Picture Perfect Mother’s Day

I have a digital picture frame that I’ve finally set up. I loaded the SD card with a hundred or so images off of my computer: pets, kids, vacations, the garden. Then I plugged it in, programmed it and left it to run on the end table in the living room, just beside my customary seat.

It’s not hi-res but it’s engrossing to see the pictures refresh through an endless cycle: our old sheltie in the shady backyard of our last house, younger daughter in the Teletubbies costume she wore for her first trick-or-treating (and my mother, who’s since passed away, there in the picture with her), Odo, our gigantic cat when he was a tiny ball of fluff who’d just come home with us, elder daughter riding a horse, all four of us together at Christmas. . . .

My husband says it’s like living in the future. I’d agree and add, a pretty good one at that.

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Filed under personal, tech

One response to “Picture Perfect Mother’s Day

  1. CK

    Sounds lovely, J.