Reading London

I’m simultaneously shocked and tickled pink to be teaching a course relating to my research specialty at the graduate level. After more than a decade teaching historical methods and years before that teaching nineteenth century European social history (don’t ask), teaching “Topics in British History” will be a positive pleasure.

The course theme is London, 1550-1950. Do you want to read along with my M.A. students? Here’s our reading list:

I’m also steering them towards many outstanding websites, including the following:

Am I missing anything great? Suggestions are eagerly welcomed in the comments. Classes begin January 6th with the first three articles on the list and we’ll wrap up the meetings in early April.


Filed under academe, history, teaching

7 responses to “Reading London

  1. You may want to toss in Judith Flanders. She’s written fascinating and entertaining books on Victorian era London.

  2. sounds like so much fun. I expect to pinch some of this for Early Modern in the fall!

    • J Liedl

      There’s so much good stuff coming out on early modern London. I have a supplementary list for that topic of another sixteen books and forty-three articles. An embarrassment of riches!

  3. Paul Griffiths, Lost Londons, is a bit tough to inflict on undergrads, but I think grad students could really get their teeth into it, and there was roundtable on it in Histoire sociale / Social History.

    • J Liedl

      I thought long and hard about including it because it’s fantastic, you’re right! However, only one student ihas had any grounding in premodern history beyond the Western Civ level so we’re ramping it up slowly with Bucholz & Ward after the first three articles. I’ve got “Lost Londons” on the list of recommended books as they hammer out their own research topics.